Q: What’s the estimated delivery time for my order?
A: Our primary storage facilities are located in Hong Kong. For orders shipped internationally, you can expect them to arrive in approximately 10-12 business days after dispatch.
Q: How can I monitor my order’s progress?
A: Typically, after placing an order, it undergoes a processing period of about 2-4 business days. For heavy construction equipment that requires assembly, the processing duration extends to 7-12 business days. The actual transit time for international shipments is roughly 14 business days post-dispatch. You’ll receive a tracking code once your order is on its way. You can also track your order’s status using this link: www.hobbyshmoby.com/tracking. Should you face any discrepancies, like not acquiring your tracking details or any shipment delays, please reach out promptly, and we’ll address it swiftly.
Q: Can I trust your website with my personal data?
A: Absolutely! Protecting your privacy is paramount to us. We ensure that any personal details are stored securely and independently, and we don’t have direct access to these records.
Q: What are the shipping charges for my order?
A: We’re thrilled to offer FREE and expedited shipping globally for all items listed on our platform.
Q: If I’m not happy with my purchase, can I get a refund?
A: Certainly. Should any product not meet your expectations, we’re committed to providing a full refund, provided the items are in their untouched, original packaging.
Q: How do I go about ordering a product?
A: Simply select the desired product, click on “Add to cart,” and when the popup appears, opt for “Checkout.” Then, just follow the given instructions.